星期四, 7月 30, 2009



週三(7月29日)早上,檳城醫院急症科專科醫生Teo Aik Howe出席檳城醫院代表及媒體代表的閉門會議時,傳達這名華裔醫生的致歉聲明。




當天出席是項閉門會議的檳城醫院代表為檳州衛生局主任鄭麗珠、檳城醫院主任朱薇達、檳城醫院副主任嘉斯敏、艾善及急症科專科醫生Teo Aik Howe。



4 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I think the reporter reserved this treatment by challenging the given limitation, and irritate the patient's family & do not respect to ppl's privacy. I feel thankful to the DR who dare to stand firm to protect his mental patient, who is unable to protect his own privacy being expose by the reporter who is selfish and, do not respect to ppl's privacy and mental patient'e family feeling.Kathy

匿名 提到...

Refer to this newspaper's subject matter :http://www.chinapress.com.my/content_new.asp , I would like express my dissapointment & feeling of embarassing of the write who's name 鄭志賢. I would also would like express my thankful to the DR. Nowaday's the reader rely on the reporter to report the real incident with integrity, respectful & responsible to what he has wrote in newspaper or e-news. By telling the incident which is not the fact has indirect hurt the mental patient's family & friend just because he wants the news and to attract other's reader's attention.

I truely feel embarass with the reporter, as he tried to obtain the picture which beyond the given limitation by hospital, and never follow the advice given by DR. This has caused the inconveniet for hospital and family's patient feeling irritating. If he would like to know more detail, he should take appropriate action by asking permission from patient's family member to interview for further detail, instead of taking photo to explore the ppl's privacy and in fact he also not report the corect incident, whereby the patient claimed to have mental problem actually do not hurt anyone, including policemen. He was protected himself of being caught by policemen. As a normal human being, I believed you and me surely will have such re-action when ppl want to attack you.

My main point of this letter is to let the reporter know that the doctor had unintentionly hurt him when tried to protect the patient, might be fought a bit harder to protect the patient's and family. But, pls bear in mind, the reporter's action of not respect people privacy and report without integrity even worse than what DR done to him. The patient reserved his human right.

Pls think twice before you act, we need the reporter who is win with integrity and respect to himself and the audience.
You want ppl apologize to his clumsy action that hurt you, pls do apology to the mental's patient & family that you're able not telling the correct things in the newspaper, has caused us feeling sad & dissapointed.

If you would like to know further about the patient, pls feel free to mail me, or even call me. Pls do not simply write something which is not the truth. Again, thanks for your concern & understand.

Peace lovers 提到...

As a doctor's responsibility is to cure patients, rather than to obstruct reporters.

Moreover, in a civilized world, the use of violence is a barbaric act.

If you think the doctor has done nothing wrong, then it will equal you in favor of the use of violence in a civilized society

Hanilui 提到...

To the anonymous,

Who is this doctor to protect so-called "the right of the patients"? Did the patient's family want him to do so? Perhaps the patient's family happy with the interview as they might have something to say.... We are not GOD, so don't act in the name of "protecting" others. "Showing power" and "protecting patients" is in the blurring line.